In this message from 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, we get a reminder from the Apostle Paul as to why they were so adamant that we read the Bible. It may seem obvious, but sometimes we all need to be reminded of the Sufficiency of Scripture.
Let's read and consider Romans 5:1-5. In this passage the Apostle Paul expects us to make the inference that the Gospel changes everything. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you know it does.
What is the more excellent gift that Paul says we should strive for? Love. Agape love is what we should strive for. It outlasts all the other gifts, and without it all the other gifts are worthless. I hope this message inspires you to love like you are loved.
The bible makes it clear that we are the members of the body of Christ and so we must be active and participate. We cannot say we are not part of the body or that we are unimportant and not needed. We are all needed. We are all loved. We are all united as the body of Christ
We all have been gifted by the Holy Spirit. Our challenge is to understand that we are gifted for the common good of the universal church and to build the Lord's kingdom. Bless each other as GOD has blessed you.
In today's message we explore the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. We want to wish you a blessed new year and encourage you to resolve to count your blessings.
In Colossians 3:12-17 Paul equates the new character we are given in Christ to new clothes, or a new coat if you will. This coat is much better than than the old one we had. So put it on and follow the lead of our Savior Jesus. We are Christians because we act like little Christs, that means we forgive like we are forgiven and love like we are loved. GOD bless you and keep you safe now and in the new year.
Today's message encourages us to prepare the way for The Lord to come. The sin we hold on to is like pot holes in the road. We fill them by our repentance. The Advent season is a time for us to examine ourselves, ask for forgiveness, and look forward to our Savior's arrival.
All of scripture is not encouraging. Sometimes it shows our condition, worry and fears, turmoil and uncertainty. In Jeremiah 33:14-16 we see GOD's response. We get reminded that HE will fulfill His promises to us. In the days coming we will see our Savior come, we will spend eternity with Him in the promised land of Heaven.
In this message from Daniel 7 we see the root of Jesus's favorite term for Himself, The Son of Man. The evil kingdoms of the world face the King of Kings and all authority is given to Jesus. What a scene!
Let's take a walk down the Romans Road way to salvation. This method helps us to remember that even though we have all sinned and deserve to face judgment for it, GOD loves us so much that HE gave His only begotten Son to save us from that condemnation. Whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life.
Our hero's journey is at an end. What do we learn from Job's trial? Many lessons, not the least of which is that no matter what we are going through, we are loved and GOD is for us. His perfect love casts out all fear.
Our GOD is the Creator of the universe, the Creator of all life, and HE sustains it all. Who are we to question how HE chooses to do anything? Who are we to make demands that the Sovereign Lord answer to us? In Job 38, the hero of the story hears the voice of GOD from a whirlwind and gets the answers to these questions. Although, not in the way he hoped.
Job's attitude about suffering is beginning to slip. The weight of it all, plus the "comfort" from his friends has him beginning to question GOD. Where is GOD? Does HE know what's happening to me? Why doesn't HE do something about it? It's tough when you have those questions. Our Savior seemed to have them too. But GOD is always there, an ever present help in times of trouble.
The message for today is from Job 1:1 and 2:1-10. Past, present, or future Job was submitted to the immutable fact that God's grace is sufficient for anything and everything. He accepted GOD's will for him, whether it was for good or trouble. Will you and I trust Him like that?
We finish our series in James with chapter 5:13-20. Here we see his points made and his summary of what he thinks we should do with the wisdom imparted. Namely to pray. Pray for the sick, pray for the unsaved, just pray.
There are at least 2 kinds of wisdom, earthly and heavenly. One focuses on self, the other on GOD. One produces good fruit, the other leads to strife and division. I pray we each choose Godly wisdom to try each day to draw closer to our Savior.
What we say matters in our lives and those around us, if only we could control our tongues we could be perfect. It's a little part of us with a lot of control. LORD grant us the self discipline to control what we say.
It seems to be the norm to point out our differences in today's world. Whether it's sex, race, or even where people live, but the Bible is clear, it's not right for us to judge based on those external attributes.
We were blessed to have our genreal presbyter visit us this Sunday. His message from James 1:17-27 was a call to be a blessing to the world by making faithful choices. I know I can do better, and maybe you can too.
We serve an awesome God Who's grace abounds, even in the Old Testament. This message comes from 1 Kings 8 and focuses on a high point in worship. One of those times when you can really feel GOD's Presence and love. I hope you enjoy this message and it encourages you in your faith.
Today we see the death of David and the beginning of Solomon's reign in 1 Kings 2:10-12 and 3:3-13. We also consider that we have eternal life in Christ as we read through John 6:51-58. In this message, we are led to 2 inferences. We don't have to be good ordeserving for GOD to reach out to us, but He does it to show His love for us. And, GOD will do more than we dare to ask as we seek to live a life pleasing to Him.